Installation and Setup

Installation and Setup

To get started with the MultiBot module, follow these steps to install and set it up in your Node.js project.


  • Node.js: Ensure Node.js is installed on your system. The MultiBot module is compatible with Node.js versions 14.x and above.


  1. Install the multibot-telegram Package:

    To install the MultiBot module, use npm to add it to your project:

    npm install multibot-telegram

    This command will add multibot-telegram to your project's dependencies and install all required packages.


  1. Prepare Your Configuration:

    Create a configuration file or object with the necessary parameters. This should include details such as bot tokens, IDs, system type, and any additional options like commands.

    // config.js
    module.exports = {
        type: 'multi', // or 'one'
        bots: [
            { id: 1, token: 'your_bot_token_1', main: true },
            { id: 2, token: 'your_bot_token_2', main: false }
        options: {
            commands: [
                { command: 'start', description: 'Start command' },
                { command: 'help', description: 'Help command' }
  2. Initialize MultiBot:

    Import and initialize the MultiBot class using the configuration:

    // index.js
    const MultiBot = require('multibot-telegram');
    const config = require('./config');
    // Initialize MultiBot with the configuration
    const multiBot = new MultiBot(config);
    // Use the MultiBot instance to interact with your bots
  3. Set Up Global Manager:

    If your module uses global-manager to store global state, ensure it's set up correctly. This setup might be included in the MultiBot initialization or managed separately.

    // globalManagerSetup.js (if needed)
    const globalManager = require('global-manager');
    const { type, bots } = require('./config');
    globalManager.set('type', type);
    globalManager.set('bots', bots);


Once initialized, you can interact with the MultiBot instance to manage your bots. For example:

// Retrieve the main bot instance
const mainBot = multiBot.getBot();
console.log('Main Bot:', mainBot);

// Retrieve a bot instance by its ID
const botById = multiBot.getBotById(1);
console.log('Bot By ID:', botById);

Common Issues

  • Invalid Token: Ensure each bot token is valid and correctly configured in the config.js file.

  • Configuration Errors: Double-check your configuration file for correctness, including bot IDs, tokens, and options.

  • Missing Dependencies: Verify that multibot-telegram and other dependencies are installed and correctly set up.

If you encounter any issues during installation or setup, refer to the troubleshooting guide or consult the module's documentation for further assistance.

How to Obtain Bot ID

To get your bot ID from the token, locate the numeric part before the colon (:). For example, in the token 1234567890:ABCDE12345FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX, the bot ID is 1234567890. Use this ID for configuring your bot.

Last updated