
The getMainBot method retrieves the main bot instance from the current configuration. This method is designed to work only for configurations of type "one".

Method getMainBot


const mainBot = multiBotInstance.getMainBot();


  • {TelegramBot|undefined}: Returns the main bot instance if it exists, or undefined if no main bot is set.


const mainBot = multiBotInstance.getMainBot();
if (mainBot) {
    mainBot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Hello from the main bot!');
} else {
    console.log('No main bot found.');


  • This method is only available for configurations where type is "one". If the type is "multi", this method will not function as intended.

  • Ensure that the main bot is properly initialized and set in the configuration.

  • The method returns undefined if no bot is designated as the main bot in the current setup.

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