
  • getBotById(id) Retrieves a bot instance based on its unique ID. This method is applicable only for configurations of type "multi".


    • id (number): The unique ID of the bot you want to retrieve.


    • {TelegramBot|undefined}: Returns the Telegram bot instance if found, or undefined if no bot with the specified ID exists.

  • getMainBot() Retrieves the main bot instance. This method finds the bot with the main: true property from the configuration and returns it. This method is applicable only for configurations of type "one".


    • {TelegramBot|undefined}: Returns the main bot instance if found, or undefined if no main bot is configured.

  • getAllBots() Retrieves all bot instances. This method returns an array of all initialized Telegram bot instances. It is applicable for configurations of both types "one" and "multi".


    • {Array.<TelegramBot>}: Returns an array of all Telegram bot instances.

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